kredietverzekering nieuws publicaties
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Hoe de kredietverzekering van Coface u kan helpen om de niet-betaling van facturen te voorkomen

A straightforward and didactic video to present, in less than three minutes, how Coface credit insurance can help you to prevent non-payment of invoices.

In business, the level of cash flow can often mean the difference between success and failure. This is why we focus on the risk of payment delays and non-payment of invoices.


Coface credit insurance offer is there to protect your business against unpaid invoices at home and abroad.


Our in-depth knowledge of buyers and local markets gives us an advantage when it comes to upstream risk prevention by following changes on a step-by-step basis.


We can also act quickly when these risks materialise thanks to our close proximity and understanding of local rules andin finespeed up the collection process.

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